News Scholarships
Interest from foreign students about the Latvian State scholarships have grown rapidly

This year significantly have increased the number of applications received in the State Education Development Agency (SEDA) for Latvian Sate scholarships. In comparison with the previous year, when the agency received 162 applications, the interest is almost doubled, reaching 316 applications.

This year 230 applications were received for studies, but 86 – for research. Over the past five years the agency has received an average 150 applications for studies and 14 applications for research yearly. In 2016 numbers for submissions were the 137 and 25.

The greatest interest about Latvian state scholarships were shown by the Uzbek people - received 15 applications for research and 54 – for studies. Followed by Kazakhstan with respectively 8 and 21 application and Georgia with 14 applications for studies and 13 for research. 

Currently applications are assessed and results will be announced at the beginning of June.